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The following information is part of a study guide titled "The Foundation of Psychic Study," written by Spirit and channeled through Jeannette Meek, Spiritual Medium.






I have decided I want to begin a program of *meditation.  What can you tell me about meditation that will be helpful to me?
A. Meditation is a multilevel discipline.  It is also an inherent quality all people participate in deliberately or non-deliberately.  Anytime you change your level of consciousness from one specific thought to another specific thought is actually a type of meditation.  Yet it is not recognized as meditation. Also meditation is not as complicated as you might think it is.  There are many misconceptions about the process, but more misconceptions about the result of meditation.



 What types of misconceptions?
  • The biggest misconception is generally individuals do not think they are able to meditate correctly or properly.  There is not a right or a wrong way to meditate.  How you meditate is dependent on what you are seeking to develop through the process of meditation.
  • The second misconception is people think they don't have time to meditate.  The truth is everybody meditates at least once a day in some form.
  • The third misconception about meditation is individuals do not believe they receive anything from meditation.  The truth is you always receive a result from meditation.  Your result is always a relaxed feeling, and a surge of energy. So the first step of meditation is to recognize that you already do meditate and you do receive a result from it.
  • The fourth misconception is that people think they experience weird events while meditating.  The truth is you can only experience what you are ready for during meditation.  It is only seemingly weird because it is something you are not accustomed to.



How do I do meditation?
A. You do this already, in many ways.  Every time you alter your conscious space of reality to another conscious space and time of reality you are meditating.  Most people do this with frequency unconsciously.  Every time you have a day dream for example you are connected to the inner self by entering higher more refined state of reality.  During that time of viewing the day dream you have changed your current state of reality to the inner vision, your material location fades away to an unconscious state of reality. The "day dream" relates to many of your everyday problems and the day dream itself is symbolic of situations you are dealing with, the ones that nag at you and you feel there are no solutions for.  For example seeing yourself in a daydream of being on a remote tropical island is symbolic of how to overcome everyday stress in your life.  The reality may be that you can't take a vacation at this time, however, This picture is symbolic of your need to take some time every day to be by yourself, and treat yourself with kindness and love. If you follow the advice your daydream conveyed to you it simply follows you will be able to handle pressures of "everyday" life differently because you can see everyday life from a different perspective. You will remember to include your own needs and wants in your everyday life instead of attempting to fulfill demands everyone else requests of you. 



Is there a program or an outline of mediation that I can follow?

There are many schools of thought about meditation and what you should do and what you should not do during mediation, but again, meditation is an individual process.  Also, each school of thought about meditation has an idealistic goal as the objective of the practice.  I believe you can develop meditation with a conscious planned goal in mind, yet I know the *higher self's goal is what will be realized during a meditation session.  The higher self is always the director and the teacher leading the conscious mind to specific realizations about the whole Spiritual self. The higher self is the most knowledgeable teacher you will encounter on a pathway of Spiritual Unfoldment.  So meditation is an individualized process that can be assisted by the school of thought you are studying.

The true consistency to a meditation plan is to create a planned time and physical space for you to meditate within.  The consistency to progression to the state of meditation at will lies in developing your meditation exercise period.  The time spent in the meditation period is inspirational and the activities that should or will take place during that time are revealed to you as you are ready to accept the guidance offered to you by the teacher within.  When the student is ready, the master appears.  That master is the teacher within. To connect with the master within is to open the pathway to the conscious development of our Spiritual nature.



There are many pathways to choose from as a process of development of our Spiritual nature.  They often become confusing.  Is there a place to start ones Spiritual journey, or one level of study better than another? What are the differences between the different types of study?  Is there a difference between the different types of study? 
A. There are many pathways to follow as a course of study of spirituality, and it really does become confusing for people to decide where and how to start their journey.  The best way of course is to follow your influences brought forth from the *Spirit within, as your influence is the strongest teacher there is.  Many people do that instinctively, and still find their influence does not fulfill the need for solid academic study of their spirituality.  So for this reason many schools of thought have manifested themselves in the material plane.  These schools of thought have manifested in three categories, one being religion, the second philosophy, and the third science.  These levels are obvious in variances of application, yet they all speak to the material mind of man.  They attempt to put an order to exploration of our spirituality.  Yet, they also create more pathways of exploration for man to walk down causing more thought, in turn the new thought takes a very simple concept or idea and makes it more confusing.  So one way to explain the differences in techniques of Spiritual study is to say the pathway outlined by the academic study is for the material levels of mind, the so-called end of the pathway is the Spiritual progression.  The common denominator of all pathways is meditation, and meditation is the real progression and where the real learning and teaching of our spirituality take place.  So all pathways of Spiritual schools of thought lead to meditation, the pathways become the process of learning the approach to meditation.



What is the approach to meditation?
A. The way to approach meditation is to logically begin building a study period devoted to meditation.



A "meditation study period" this implies that I have to study something. . .  I simply want to meditate. Could you be more specific?
A. Meditation is the study of *mind on all levels. During our sojourn through the levels of incarnation we have divided our mind into layers.  These layers are considered divisions of mind or levels of function I.E., *Conscious, *Subconscious, *Superconscious, etc.  The study of meditation is to gain understanding of the function of these levels of mind. This understanding is gained by reading about the different MIND divisions and the expected performance of the levels.  The actual meditation period is a process that allows these levels to perform their functions without restriction of conscious thought.  The academic aspect of meditation study allows the harmony of mind function.  The harmony of mind function is a natural process that happens without the restriction of thought. 
We have also divided ourselves into bodies of function, physical self, *soul self, Spiritual self.  These divisions help us to cope with our incarnation. Although we know we are not truly divided into these sectors of self, these terms help us to understand and explain our behaviors.  Meditation is a process that allows us to integrate all these levels of thought of ourselves to one level of minds function. 
Meditation is a specific type of relaxation that allows change of our current conscious state of reality to a higher vibrational state of reality that can last for a few seconds or many minutes. So meditation is one specific thing, or one specific definition, and that is to change states of consciousness to a higher vibratory state of mind.  To get to a state of meditation at will is an individual process and it is also a progressive process.  Processes that work to lead to a state of meditation for one individual may not work for another individual.
In a universal definition meditation is a process that allows the material self and the Spiritual self to connect to a space of one point of minds function.  When you achieve this one point of minds function you enter a space of "peace that passeth all understanding," and that is the state of meditation. 



What is mind?
A. Mind is the whole mind of function. The whole mind of function is the universal mind.  This mind is not fragmented into aspects of self, or different aspects of function. Universal mind is what man considers to be God, as this mind is all knowing.


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